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IIS&M concludes water skiing course at Dal, Nigeen Lake | PromotesTourism

Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering (IIS&M) completed its two more courses of Water Skiing on Monday at Dal Lake and Nigeen Lake respectively.
Almost 60 water enthusiasts of all age groups from different corners of country participated and successfully completed their respective course levels in Basic, Intermediate and Advance.
At Dal Lake almost 30 water skiers, 25 in Basic, four in Intermediate and one in Advance level participated in this course. While at Nigeen Lake, 24 water skiers went through Basic course and 6 skiers made it to Advance level by completing the Intermediate level successfully.
Designed to impart water skills to the enthusiasts besides train them for adventure sports in Valley, the water skiing course also aims to promote adventure tourism of the state.
IIS&M concluded four courses in 20 days besides started 5th and 6th water skiing course from Tuesday (14th August) at same venues.
Ex-Director and Principal of IIS&M, Khursheed Ahmad Mir who was also the Chief Guest on the occasion said he was overwhelmed by witnessing such a well organized water skiing show.
“I have no words to express my feeling. I feel like my childhood days are reborn again after witnessing this brilliant show. When I witnessed the water skiing show demonstrated by these kids in Dal Lake I was overwhelmed as somehow I felt that our little efforts are bearing fruits and are part of their (participants) happy moments,” he said.
He said with time adventure sports will flourish in the state.
“We should encourage these boys to get indulged in adventure sports. With time it will flourish besides that it will pave ways for generating employment. Even the instructors are very dedicated and are eager to pass on these skills to younger generation,” he adds.
Mir also hails the efforts of Superintendent IISM, Ali Mohammed for doing wonderful job courtesy to his dedication and hard work.
“He is the master key. There was no technically sound person in the institute but he managed all this after my retirement. He knows what needs to be done and what not. I am thrilled how he managed here,” he said.
Superintendant of IIS&M, Ali Mohammad Bhat said they revived this sport after so many odd years and in near future IIS&M will make serious efforts to continue the trend of holding summer activities for the youth.
He further said that the pending courses of water skiing will likely be completed till next month.
“We are left with six courses and by one month we will conclude all the courses of Water skiing. So far we concluded four courses and due to time limit we are running this course at two places, Dal and Nigeen Lake simultaneously in order to meet that time limit as from the month of September Water Skiing won’t be possible because of cold water due to fall in temperature,” he said.
Moreover, to avail opportunities to the youth from across India, IIS&M will likely conduct other adventure courses as well in order to acquaint youth with adventure sports.
“From 16th August we will start trekking program for which the camp is already going on at Sonmarg. The trek will start from Gulmarg and we will take two days for acclimatization in Gulmarg then will proceed to Sonmarg and other trials,” he said.
Adding, “Apart from that we are conducting ten Hot Air Balloon courses at Gulmarg besides ten courses of Parasailing which we are trying to host at Srinagar and six courses of snow skiing are already being held during winter.”
Ali also hailed Ex-Principal, Khursheed Mir for his serious efforts for giving thump to adventure sports in the state besides making the efforts in fulfilling the vision of the institution.
One of the instructors, Nazir Ahmad Bhat said that they got immense response from participants and kids were very excited and passionate to learn water skiing
“The kids are very excited about this sport and I am very much happy that the kids are coming from all over the India and they are very joyous and passionate to learn this water skill. It is proud moment for us that we are getting huge response from participants of all the age groups.
He further said that adventure sports like water skiing has its own course of challenges and to surpass those challenges it has its own thrill.
The courses are being conducted by the professionally trained instructors including Nazir Ahmad Bhat, Sajad Ahmad Dar, Mohammad Shafi Ganai and Manzoor Ahmad Lone.
One of the participants, Khursheed Ahmad said that it was a wonderful opportunity and experience to learn water skiing.
“It is among one of the top experiences that I have experienced so far. It seems a bit difficult in the beginning like being hydrophobic with less exposure to water sports but I guess after coming here and participating in this course provides all the exposure that a novice can get,” he said.
Confident Khursheed further said that he is happy with his performance and took this opportunity from both hands.
I’ve completed my basics and feel satisfied with my performance as I’ve done it very well and I think after crossing the basic level it won’t be much difficult for me to cross the hurdles of next competitive level- the intermediate level. I have a self belief that I can do well in that as well.
Regarding instructors and facilities he said, “It was really a unique experience in learning this amazing and thrilling skill from the fantastic and dedicated trainers like Nazir Sir (Nazir Ahmad Bhat) and Sajad Sir (Sajad Ahmad Dar). The facilities were awesome. Everything was fantastic and well planned and in an organized manner.”
Abid Shafi, who grabbed second position in basic level, said that he is overwhelmed after joining the course. “Whosoever comes here to learn eventually gains high dose of experience and exposure. Those who are not acquainted with swimming are being trained in swimming as well during basic level. We are being provided quality training by the instructors. And we are thankful to them,” he said.
One of the parents, Syed Tabasum accompanying their children told Media that her children got exposed to water skills which acted as an encouragement tool for them.
On the concluding ceremony, Ex-Director and Principal of IIS&M, Khursheed Mir was the Chief Guest while as Dr. Tariq Ahmad of GB Panth Hospital, and Superintendant of IIS&M, Ali Mohammad Bhat were the Guests of Honour. The event was also graced by the dignitaries and staff of IIS&M besides parents.
The top three participants who were getting training at Nehru Park (Dal Lake) including Umar Ahmad, Mohammad Nafee, and Jahangir Ahmad were awarded top three positions respectively in basic course while, Nadeem, Ganeesh and Syed Huzair Kirmani were awarded with the first position in intermediate course besides in Advance level Praveen grabbed the first prize.
To encourage budding water enthusiast, three consolation prizes were also awrded among Syed Hamza, Atira and Nusrat respectively.
Similarly at Nigeen Lake, Waseem Bhat, Suhail Ahmad and Bilal Ahmad secured first three positions in basic course while in intermediate, Mehraj-ud-Din, Abid Shafi and Toufeeq Ahmad grabbed top three places in this level besides three participants of lower age including Faizan Shakil and Ifta Shabir and Faisul Mushtaq were awarded consolation prizes for their encouragement.
The course which commenced on 5th of August was organized by Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering in collaboration with Ministry of Tourism Government of India.

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