The effective implementation of National Educational Policy (NEP)-2020 in the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, newly created SCERT J&K conducted 8th and last webinar on the theme-Standard Setting and Accreditation for School Education: Challenges/ Opportunities vis-a-vis J&K.
The key features of NEP-2020 along with Challenges/ Opportunities to be faced while implementing it in J&K. It was followed by a power packed presentation by Team SCERT Kashmir.
Department of ESD at NCERT New Delhi, enlightened the participants about the standard setting and accreditation for School Education as envisaged in the NEP-2020 & discussed about challenges to set-up a SSSA (Sate School Standard Authority) in the States/UTs & SQAAF ( School Quality Assessment & Accreditation Framework) by SCERTs.
The transparency, safety, security and infrastructure in the schools to be taken care of as the major regulatory steps & impressed upon all to focus on sustainable development goals.