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Online Scholarship Application under Rural Development Department, J&K

Online Scholarship Application under Rural Development Department, J&K Submission of On-line scholarship applications under Post-matric Scholarship Scheme from students belonging to Other Backward Classes (OBC), Economically Backward Classes (EBC), Physically Challenged (PCP) & Denotified Nomadic & Semi Nomadic (DNTs) Categories for the year 2018-19

On-line applications are invited from the students belonging to below mentioned categories pursuing studies within & Outside the State of Jammu & Kashmir in Government/Government Recognized Educational Institutions undergoing XI, XII, Diploma, Graduation/Post-Graduation Level Courses, B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D & Professional/ Technical Degree Courses at Under Graduate and Post-Graduate Levels etc. On-line implementation will be done through State Portal under URL:- jk.gov.in/ jkeservices.

Only online applications under these Schemes will be accepted and no request for Offline applications will be entertained :

Other Backward Classes, (OBC’s)
Economically Backward Classes (EBC’s)
Physically Challenged students, (PCP’s)
Denotified Nomadic & Semi Nomadic Tribes (DNT’s)


To avail the Scholarship service a candidate has to log in URL: jk.gov.in/ jkeservices and before applying the Service, the User has to register using the Register Link given on the menu.

Applicant has to upload the scanned photo (jpg image) of size less than 20 kb before registration.

Please note the user ID and Password entered by the applicant during registration for Login, check status and availing the service.

Please select the role type Citizen while entering login credentials by the Applicant.

Please, note the Citizen ID after successful registration as it will be required at the time of availing the service.

After login, Applicant has to click on the e-services tab in the left menu and thereafter click on the social welfare and under social welfare click on Post- matric Scholarship.

For further queries, the candidates can contact Assistant Director (Schemes), Directorate of Social Welfare, Kashmir on telephone No. 0194-2473761. The value of scholarship include maintenance allowance plus non refundable fee compulsorily payable by the student, studying in Government or Government recognized educational Institutions by the Government/UGC/Board of Technical Education and similar Statutory Professional Councils of India for recognized, courses.

The following documents in original shall be uploaded & Xerox of the same should be attached with the hard copy of downloaded Scholarship application form except “Income Certificate/Fee Receipt & Affidavit” which should be attached in original:-

One passport size photograph.
Permanent Residence Certificate (State Subject Certificate).
Fee Receipt Duly attested Promotion Certificate, in case student has passed previous examination.
Valid Hotelier Certificate issued by the Institution.
Institute Recognition Certificate
Attested Fee structure duly approved by Central/State Government (in case of Private recognized Institutions).
Income Certificate.
Parents’/Guardians’ current income certificate, in original, from the concerned Tehsildar (in case of students whose parents/guardians are not Government employees). In case of wards of Government employees, salary certificate issued by the concerned Drawing and Disbursing Officers. (Income certificate with cutting/mutation will lead to rejection of Application forms.)
(Valid) Category Certificate (OBC, SC, DNT’s) from the competent authorities.
For Economically Backward Classes (EBC’s) only those students who do not belong to any Category can apply (Other Than Categories).
Disability Certificate- (indicating 40% & above disability) in case of Physically Challenged students (PCP).
Aadhaar Number along with Xerox of Aadhaar Card and seeding of Aadhaar with bank account will lead to smooth transaction of sanctioned amount of scholarship in favour of eligible students.
Mobile Number is Mandatory.


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