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On the NTSE 2019: A Scholarship Test for Class X Students

Most of the class XII (12)students are waiting for the notification of various competitive entrance examination like JEE,NEET and for admission to various professional courses or under graduate courses which will be held soon after their Feb/March 2019 final examination. It is a fact that most parents, schools or students of class X are not familiar with one of the standard administration of a test for those who are studying in class X during the current academic session 2018-19.
What is the NTSE-19? National Talent Search Examination is a scholarship examination conducted by NCERT (A unit of Ministry of HRD, Government of India) every year for the students of present class X. The very purpose of this test is to identify and promote talents among school children and offer them productive guidance to pursue higher studies in Science and Social Sciences. Those who clear all the phases of NTSE and finally ranked will be eligible for getting a scholarship from the Government of India throughout their higher studies including PhD Programs.
Who can take NTSE 2019? All those students of Indian Union States and UT’s who are studying in class X this year in Government Schools, Aided or Un Aided but affiliated to state board, UT board, CBSE, ICSE, NIOS etc. are competent to attempt this year’s NTSE.
Eligibility Criteria: The bonafide students of class X of different schools cited above categories having 50% and above marks in their respective class IX annual examination are eligible to take the NTSE. For SC/ST/OBC and Physically Challenged children of the same category are eligible if they have 40% or more in the qualifying class IX examination last year. As per the new resolution, the State Education Departments can fix their own marks eligibility criteria. For example, the Andhra Pradesh Education Board has made 60% for CBSE, ICSE students and 55% for the reserved category from this year.
Stages of NTSE: This test is conducted in 2 phases. Phase 1 will be held in all States/UT’s and is being administered by respective SCERT or State board of School Education. This phase of exam will be conducted on 3rd November 2018. Phase 2 is a National level examination which will be conducted by NCERT with a common questionnaire and it is expected to be held on 12-5-2019. Only those who qualified and the shortlisted in the state level exam will be eligible to take the National exam.
Syllabus: There is no prescribed syllabus for NTSE. But standard of questions conform to the level of class IX and X curriculum specified in the broad National Curriculum Framework of NCERT.
Examination Pattern: There are 2 standard tests for State level NTSE. First one is MAT or Mental Ability Test for 2 hours. MAT is conducted to assess the reasoning ability and skills, logical sequencing, reading comprehension etc. It comprises of 100 MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) or Objective Type Questions. Four options for every question will be given. Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark each. The 2ndtest or the 2nd paper is SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) which also follows the same timing, number of questions and marks. No negative marking scheme is applied in both cases. The SAT covers the subject knowledge of examinees as per their given class IX/X curriculum and questions are drawn from subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Biology, History, Civics, Geography and Economics. Till last year, NTSE included a language paper also. From this year onwards, this paper is discontinued.
NTSE Scholarship Details: This examination is like a mini civil service examination comprises preliminary and main examination. Once, the results of NTSE is finalized, about 1000 plus students will be eligible to draw a scholarship amount throughout their course of studies. Scholarship details are,
A. Rs. 1250/- pm for 2 years for completing higher secondary school education (XI and XII)
B. Rs. 2000/- pm for pursuing Undergraduate and Post graduate studies.
C. For PhD, the amount will be finalized in accordance with the norms set by University Grant Commission (UGC).
Reservation: 15% of scholarship for SC students, 7.5% for ST, 27% for OBC students and 4% reserved for physically handicapped one.
FOR THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF J&K STUDENTS: Class X students of J&K can contact the State liaison officer who is the Director of Academics for all updated information. The examination fee will be Rs. 110/- and students can download offline or make online submission of applications. All aspirants are advised to browse JK BOSE Website that is www.jkbose.jk.gov.in. The last date for submission of application form is 3oth October 2018.

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