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Meet Neetu Jalali, A talented child of Kashmir and proud owner of ‘Zafran Couture’ in London

Jammu and Kashmir is a land of many such passion driven heads. With its beautiful appearance and serene environment, its gives birth to some real talent as evident in our enthusiastic and innovative Kashmiris

Neetu Jalali, one more hidden gem of Kashmir origin, who has immense talent and curiosity towards life and its colours.

She is originally from Rainawari and residing in London these days with her small family. She did part of her schooling from M.Dass Public School, Kathi Darwaza, Srinagar and then part from Vishwa Bharti Girls school in Rainawari. She did her bachelors in Engineering from India and an MBA from Durham, UK.

She worked with a corporate firm in London for many years before returning to the core of her heart, Kashmir.

She has developed a couture line called ZAFRAN couture, based in London, which captures the colours, designs, memories, culture and nostalgia of her life in Kashmir. The clothing line offers a wide range of Pashmina shawls, dresses and objects like lamps etc, personally designed by Neetu with the thought of her beloved Kashmir in mind.

Sharing with media Why the name Zafran couture

Zafran (Saffron) is synonymous to Kashmir, it gives color and flavour to everything it’s used with and that’s what Zafran Couture believes in- adding color, freshness, and flavor through our outfits and unique designs

Zafran means Saffron

Zafran is my brainchild and bears the nostalgic heartbeat of my beloved Kashmir, Neetu shared. She adds,” I founded Zafran with a view to connect with my roots and showcase the vibrant art and cultural heritage of my homeland through my designs.”

Taking inspiration from Kashmir’s rich art and craft, Zafran brings the unusual mix of tradition and modern designs using age old traditional art form of weaving and embroidery. Tastefully done with ethics at the core, every single piece has a story to tell

Neetu adds that  there is a great markey for Kashmiri products in UK. If the authenticity and uniqueness is retianed, there is a great demand and appreciation.

She is the sole representative of Zafran in London, with 3 other people back home in Kashmir

She also also like to work with entrepreneurs like Tulapalav, Kashmirbox.

The Better Kashmir wishing her all the best for her endeavour. She is an inspiration for growing generation and budding talents of Kashmir.

If someone wants to order from Zafran couture,

You can order on Instagram  www.instagram.com/zafrancouture and on facebook www.facebook.com/zafrancoutur


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