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JKBOSE Important Notification regarding Class 11th


JKBOSE Important Notification regarding Class 11th

It is hereby notified for the information of all stakeholders that the schedule for submission of Permission-cum-Admission Forms concerning the Regular / Fresh / Private candidates of Class 11th of the affiliated academic institutions of Kashmir Division including District Kargil for the Hr. Sec. Examination Part-I (Class 11th), Annual Session (Regular 2018) shall be asunder:

Cost of prefilled Permission cum Admission Form @ Rs. 20/-. The pre filled admission cum permission forms shall be issued by the concerned dealing Assistants to the Authorized Representative / Admission – Incharge of the Affiliation Academic Institutions.

Instructions & Guidelines:

The Heads of the Institutions shall ensure:

To deposit the prescribed fee for the above on roll eligible candidates in the shape of “Bankslip” to be obtained from the concerned Divisional /Sub/Branch office/s, and to be deposited in the designated Branches of the Jammu & Kashmir Bank. Further the Heads of the Institutions shall necessarily record Cell numbers of the candidates on their own.

To submit the statement of Enrollments completed in all respects duly filled in on the prescribed formats and prefilled permission cum admission forms of all the eligible candidates along with forwarding letter in the respective BOSE offices through authorized representatives / admission In- charge only. The letters must indicate the number of candidates (enrolled & appearing) subject wise with description of fee deposited in the J&K Bank.

To fill Particulars of only five candidates on each side of the enrollment page.

To affix the latest digital colored photograph of each candidate against his/her particulars on the enrollment form duly signed and stamped as well as sent-up list which remains with the Institutions for record and reference.

To cover the photographs with quality transparent adhesive tape on enrollment form to avoid any chance of misuse.

It shall be mandatory for all the affiliated Academic Institutions to continue the Regular class work till ending 2018.

The Heads of the institutions shall forward Internal sessional awards latest by 09-10-2018 in the Secrecy-II KD for District Srinagar and in concerned Sub/Branch offices of the BOSE for other Districts. Thereafter no sessional award/s shall be

Note: In case the last date/s for submission of fee/ forms is declared as holiday, the next working day shall be treated as last date.

Schedule for Deposition and description of fee:

Particulars Dates
Last Date with normal prescribed fee of Rs. 900/- per candidate 27-08-2018
Last date with normal prescribed Fee of Rs. 1080/- per candidate for the candidates opting Six Subleds (5+1) 27-08-2018
(02)Two Preparation days for submission of Forms Fee for both S.No. 01 and 02 above. 28-08-2018



Last Date with Late fee of Rs. 5801= per candidate 30-08-2018 to


(02)Two Preparation days for submission of Fomt/ Feefor S.No: (4) only. 11-09-2018






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