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JK Tourism Department Recruitment 2018 –19

JK Tourism Department Recruitment 2018 – 19

Interested eligible professional expertise having the requisite qualification and working experience, purely on contractual/need basis initially for a period of twelve (12 months) as per the following eligibility criteria and consolidated monthly remuneration.

Subject specialists/ Consultants

Sanitation Expert/ Consultant

Qualification & Experience:

B.Tech/M.Tech in Civil Engineering/ Environmental Engineer with minimum 05 five year experience in solid/liquid waste management.

Required Number:



Rs. 4000/- (four thousand) per working day.

How to apply:

Interested candidates having required qualification and experience in the subject shall submit their applications as per the prescribed format (Annexure-A) along with all self-attested testimonials viz. Date of birth, qualification and experience Certificate either in person or through the post to the office of the Administrative Secretary, Tourism Department Civil Secretariat J&K within a period of twenty-one (21) days from the date of publication of this Notice.


  • The eligible shortlisted candidates shall be called for interview on the date and venue to be specified separately.
  • Mere calling for interview shall not entitle the candidates for selection.
  • No TA/DA shall be provided for appearing in the interview.

The interview shall be conducted by the committee to be constituted for the purpose. The selected candidate shall enter into the agreement with the Department that He or She shall not claim any permanent engagement on the basis of service rendered or leave the assignment before the completion of contract period. An affidavit duly attested by 1st Class Judicial Magistrate to this effect shall also be produced by the selected candidate.

The Engagement shall be purely on temporary basis and the selected candidate shall have no right to claim permanent absorption against any available post or the post which may become available in the Department.

The subject specialists/consultants shall have to give the undertaking that they will remain available as per the requirement in the field and shall be paid remuneration subject to full satisfaction of the department.

The selected candidate shall be paid remuneration as mentioned above and No TA/DA shall be paid to the selected candidate during his/her visit to various Dev Authorities.

The department shall have right to disengage the selected person before the expiry of the contract period with one-month prior notice.

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