
GMC Anantnag Jobs Recruitment 2020

GMC Anantnag Jobs Recruitment 2020
Posts Details Below:
Last Date : 30 Nov 2020
Name of the Posts: Associate Professor
Professor ADVERTISEMENT FOR ENGAGEMENT OF PROFESSORS AND ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS ON ACADEMIC ARRANGEMENT BASIS UNDER SRO 24 OF 2019 DATED: 10.01.2019 IN GOVERNMENT MEDICAL COLLEGE, ANANTNAG. In terms of SRO 24 of 2019 dated: 10.01.2019 applications on plain papers are invited from the eligible non-PSC/retired persons for engagement as Professors and Associate Professors on academic arrangement basis, initially for a period of one year, extendable up to a period of six years (one year at a time and subject to good performance and conduct) or till the selection/promotion is made in accordance with recruitment rules governing the respective posts, whichever is earlier.
Candidates interested in applying for these senior faculty posts at Government Medical College, Anantnag shall submit the copies of the following documents with their application in Administrative Section, GMC Anantnag at camp office of Govt. Medical College, Anantnag located in Associated (MMAB) hospital, Janglat Mandi, Anantnag on all working days up to 30/11/2020.
The application must be annexed with self attested copies of the following documents/certificates /etc. MBBS degree certificate and MCI Registration Certificate. MD/DM/MS/DNB/PhD/D.SC qualification certificates of the respective specialty. Attempt certificates of all examination of MBBS,MD/MS/DNB/MCH etc. issued by the University.
Experience certificates of previous faculty positions held with duration issued by the competent authority.
Professional publications in indexed/national professional journals as per SRO-88 Dated 14/04/2016.
Two Passport size photographs Certificates of Date of Birth.
Application forms complete in all respects, should be accompanied with a non-refundable bank draft for Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) pledged to Principal, Govt. Medical College, Anantnag and payable at collection counter Anantnag.
The selected candidates shall execute an agreement that he/she will not leave the department before the completion of at least one year contract.
The selected candidates will submit an affidavit at the time of joining that he/she is not on the roll of other medical colleges/institution of the country as required by MCI regulations.
Incomplete applications in any respect or not appended with required documents shall be rejected without any notice.
The selection of the candidates for the advertised posts shall be made by the committee as provided in SRO 24 of 2019 Dated 10/01/2019.
The selection criteria for the advertised posts shall be as under:
The appointment against the advertised posts shall and shall always be on academic arrangement basis only without conferment of any preferential right on the engages for regular appointment against these posts, which shall be made strictly in accordance with the relevant recruitment rules .
The appointment on academic arrangement basis shall by itself stand terminated on attainment of 70 years of the age by the appointee. The service of an appointee under the relevant rules shall be terminable before the expiry of the tenure of appointment with one months notice from either side or on payment of one month salary lieu of notice by appointing authority.

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