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GDC Pattan oragnises webinar on ‘Financial Education and Awareness’

 The Department of Commerce and Economics, Government Degree College (GDC) Pattan organized National Level Webinar on Financial Education and Awareness in Collaboration with NCFE, Mumbai.
The event was inaugurated by chief guest of the program Prof. (Dr) Gh. Jeelani Quesrishi, Principal by his inaugural speech.
The moderator for the program was Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Mir, HoD Commerce, he introduced the guest speakers and also welcomed various participants. Dr. Zahoor Ahmad highlighted the role and significance of Financial Management for the growth of an individual in particular and economy in general.
Then the session was handed over by the moderator to the guest speaker  Zahoor-Ul Islam, member NCFE, Mumbai. The speaker enlightened the audience about financial goals like how to earn, how to save and how to invest. The session was followed by question/answer session.
Finally the vote of thanks was presented by Prof. Safeer Mukhtar, HoD, Economics. As an economist, he also highlighted the role of financial markets in growth and development of an economy. The meeting was digitally covered by Mr. Sajad Hussain Naquash.

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