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  • Education has connected to a large number of students through its digital platform.

Education has connected to a large number of students through its digital platform.

As students in the valley are receiving their lectures through videos and online classes. DSEK is also starting audio classes to reach the maximum number of students. The teachers will be delivering lessons according to the school curriculum and the same will be reaching students through radio. All India Radio Srinagar will be airing the sessions during the day for which time slots have been specified by the station. The students have to go to a particular frequency to attend the lessons. In addition to this, the Directorate of School Education has connected to a large number of students through its digital platform and video classes have been kept available for students on its YouTube channel which is linked to the official website of DSEK. This will help reach more number of students across Kashmir and help them cover their educational curriculum right at their homes and not miss any classes as this period is very crucial and students should not miss their education.

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