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Centre Tour and Travel Company has the distinction of being lone Kashmir-based company which has received National Tourism Award for 2013 -14 and again in 2015 -16.

After 28 years of hard work coupled with determination and grit, Karnai’s company has been awarded twice national award for its role in tourism promotion in India.  Centre Tour and Travel Company has the distinction of being lone Kashmir-based company which has received National Tourism Award for 2013 -14 and again in 2015 -16.

It was in the beginning of 1990s when the chips were down for tourism players in Kashmir. Managing Director, Centre Tour and Travel Company, Bashir Ahmad Karnai took a plunge into tourism and travel trade which everybody at that time believed was a dead horse due to political and armed conflict in Jammu and Kashmir. But his belief in Kashmir’s tourism potential didn’t let distractions bog him down.

Karnai shares with Media his journey, state of tourism and steps need to be taken to revive the sector in Kashmir

Tell us about your journey?
 It has been a rollercoaster ride, nevertheless what is more important that a businessman in hostile situations like Kashmir need to remain afloat. Don’t let tides sway you away. We had a family travel business, I have seen times when high-end tourists used to throng Kashmir in huge number. Then situation took ugly turn and rest is history. But in order to keep our business afloat I travelled to Delhi and established Travel Company there, which helped our family business to keep running, otherwise had we brothers not traveled to other parts of the world, I don’t think we could have achieved even half the success we have achieved.

I started with starting a travel company in Connaught place in Delhi where we used to offer travel packages to rest of the India. But my love is always Kashmir; I love to promote Kashmir tourism so much so that even in those days when situation was not conducive I used to motivate tourists to visit Kashmir, sometimes I was successful in pursuing them but most of the time I was unlucky. But still our company used to send tourists to Kashmir even in peak of armed struggle in Kashmir.

But with help of Allah currently we have business in Kashmir, Canada and New Delhi. We operate two travel companies Centre Tour And Travels, Explore India Journeys. Besides have opened a hotel Regenta Central Point which is a four star property for high-end tourists and other hotel Centre Point.


What has changed over the years about Kashmir that is shooing away tourists?

Ground situation in Kashmir has improved a lot, but for us advent of media has become a curse. Kashmir is being portrayed in a negative way, which unfortunately scares away tourists. Besides, there is need to have a sustained campaign to keep our natural resources intact. We often hear complaints from tourists about the destinations being polluted which is not a good sign.


You touched the topic of pollution at tourism spots. Can you elaborate?

Well it is not a rocket science; it is a fact that our natural resources and beautiful locales are facing brunt of pollution, unabated construction at eco-fragile areas and what not. Kashmir is famous for its locations, if we would destroy them who would visit us. There has to be balance between development and environment conservation.


You keep on travelling to different places for tourism promotion? How do you see tourism infrastructure in Kashmir?

Far behind even Himachal Pradesh, forget about foreign countries. See our roads to tourism spots, we don’t have public conveniences at tourist spot, if it is at some place it is in pathetic condition. Our hotels are not upto the mark. I believe from my experience we don’t have even a single hotel, which could suffice to requirements of high-end tourists. Besides, travel cost to Kashmir is much higher, as a result of which tourists prefer to visit Dubai, Singapore rather than coming to Kashmir. I believe there should be upper cap on airfares, like Air India, Jet airways have kept.


How do you see the tourism scenario right now in Kashmir?

Not good, there are factors that have led to the downfall of tourism sector in Kashmir. Main reason for that are the travel advisories put in place by foreign countries. State government and tourism department should be proactive in getting these advisories lifted.

Instead of focusing on marketing Kashmir to tourists, the director tourism should direct his attention to changing other countries travel advisories against coming to the valley. These advisories not only discourage travel to the region, but also negate travel insurance policies; essentially well to do travelers are not willing to visit Kashmir if there travel insurance is considered void due to the travel advisories.

The minister of tourism should be working with governments around the world to change their view rather than focusing on marketing; no amount of marketing will encourage visitors as much as removal of travel advisories.


Any advice for the youngsters who want to venture in the tourism sector?

Have a big heart to take failures in stride and be ready to work hard. Tourism sector has a huge potential and it will unravel only if you have a potential and patience to work. There are no short cuts for achieving success in this sector. But one thing is sure, if you are from Kashmir and you want to venture into tourism sector, you will have an upper edge as bewitching beauty of Kashmir doesn’t need any introduction across globe.

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