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Anganwadi Worker Recruitment

Applications are invited on prescribed format affixed with latest passport size photOKograph from eligible female candidates for the honorary post of Anganwadi Worker for the below mentioned Anganwadi Centres to be set at the following locations.

The applications shall be received up to Tuesday 22nd January 2019 04:30 PM in the Office of Child Development Project Officer Located Near Masjid Sharif Khanawari Zaldagar Srinagar. It is pertinent to mention here that the below mentioned Anganwadi Centres were reallocated vide above reference No and the selection of candidate shall be made as per the norms that were applicable at the time of actual sanction i.e 2014-15.

The eligiblity criteria fixed for the engagement of AWWs is as under :

Revenue village shall be adopted as a unit of selection of Anganwadi

Female candidate in the age group of 18-44 years. (age reckoned on the first day of calendar year in which selection is made)

Candidate should be permanent resident of State of Jammu & Kashmir.

Minimum qualification of Anganwadi Worker shall be matriculate and in case no matriculate candidate is available in village/ward middle pass candidate shall be considered, under exceptional circumstances, which would require approval from State Mission Director ICDS J&K.

The candidate should belong to ward where Anganwadi Centres located. If suitable candidate is not available in the ward candidate should be selected from revenue village of which the said ward is the part of. Likewise if no suitable candidate is available a candidate from adjoining revenue village shall be selected on the basis of inter-se-merit.

No under process certificate shall be entertained.

Weight age shall be given on viva voice academic qualification as per breakup given below:-

Matriculation 85 Points

Viva Voice 15 Points

The requisite documents to be attached with application forms are:-

Permanent Residence Certificate.
Date of Birth Certificate.
Ward Certificate.
Academic Qualification Certificate.
Name of Panchayat/Ward Place where AWC is to be established
26- Maloora Proper Maloora
26-Maloora Khawaia Baqh Maloora
26-Maloora Check-i- Muiqund
26-Maloora Check-i- Muiqund
25- Parimpora Barthana
29-Batamaloo Friends Colony Allochi Bagh

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