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Anantnag Girl tops IGNOU’s 33rd Convocation in MPA..

Year after year, strong, intelligent, determined women from across Jammu and Kashmir have made their mark in various fields from scientific research to the cricket pitch and their stellar achievements have brought honor for everyone. Summayya Bashir From South Anantnag District Secured 1st AIR in Master In Public Administration (MPA) and her name has been recommended for Award of Gold Medal at 33rd Convocation. A Master’s in Public Administration (MPA) is the government and public service equivalent to the common MBA degrees in the business world. MPA programs are designed to school the #futureleaders in organizations that are part of or closely work with the government. Summayya has brought laurels to Kashmir by securing 1st Rank all over India and has truly boosted the morals of all the Kashmiri youth who want to study and secure a brighter and better #future. We congratulate Summayya Bashir and wish her good luck for future endeavors.

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