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JKBOSE Extension Notice for 10th & 12th Class Forms

JKBOSE Extension Notice for 10th & 12th Class Forms

Class 12th :

HSE-II (12th Class) Annual Regular – 2018 of Kashmir Division / District Kargil/ Private Candidates of Keran, Tanghdar, Machil and Gurez In continuation to this office Notification No: F-Gen(HSE-III/Ann/Reg)18 Dated: 17-07-2018 and dated:19:-07-2018, it is hereby notified for information of all the stakeholders of Kashmir Division/ District Kargil including the hilly areas falling under the jurisdiction of Keran,Tanghdar, Machil and Gurez that the schedule for submission of permission cum Admission forms of Higher Secondary Part-II (Class 12th) Annual-2018, is extended as per following schedule.

The eligibility criteria and other terms of conditions as notified earlier vide above referred to notification shall remain the same.

In case the last date is declared as Bank holiday/State Holiday next working day shall be treated as last date.

1. Last Date with normal prescribed fee of Rs. 900/- per Candidate. 08-08-2018 17-08-2018
2. Last Date with normal prescribed fee of Rs. 1080/- per Candidate for the Candidates opting 6 subjects (5+1). 08-08-2018 17-08-2018
3. (02) Two Preparation Days for submission of forms/fee for both S.NO. 1 and 2 above. 09-08-2018 and 10-08-2018 20-08-2018 and 21-08-2018
4. Last Date with Late Fee of Rs. 580/- per Candidate. 11-08-2018 to 24-08-2018 24-08-2018 to 04-09-2018.
5. (02) Two Preparation Days for submission of forms/fee for S.NO.4 only. 27-08-2018 and 28-08-2018 05-09-2018 and 06-09-2018

Class 10th :

Secondary School (10th Class) Examination Annual Regular-2018 of Kashmir Division/District Kargil/ Private Candidates of Keran, Tanghdar, Machil and Gurez

In continuation to this office Notification No’s F-Gen(SSE/Ann/Reg)18/KD and F-Gen(HSE-III/Ann/Reg)18 Dated: 17-07-2018 and dated: 19-07-2018, it is hereby notified for information of all the stakeholders of Kashmir Division/ District Kargil including the hilly areas falling under the jurisdiction of Keran, Tanghdar, Machil and Gurez that the schedule for submission of permission cum Admission forms of Secondary School Examination (Class 10th) Annual-2018, is extended as per following schedule.

Schedule for deposition and description of fee:

The eligibility criteria and other terms of conditions as notified earlier vide above referred to notification shall remain the same.

In case the last date is declared as Bank holiday/State Holiday next working day shall be treated as Last date.

1. Last Date with normal prescribed fee of Rs. 760/- plus Rs. 20/- as cost of prefiled computerized admission Cum permission Form Total =Rs. 780/- per Candidate 14-08-2018 21-08-2018
2. Preparation Day for Submission of Form/Fee for (S.No.1) above 16-08-2018 and 17-08-2018 24-08-2018 (One day only)
3. Date/s with actual fee plus cost of Admission Cum Permission Form of Rs. 780/- plus Lae Fee of Rs. 580/- Total= Ps. 1360 per Candidate. 18-08-2018 to 27-08-2018 25-08-2018 to 06-09-2018
4. Preparation Day for Submission of Form/Fee for (S.No.3) above 28-08-2018 and 29-08-2018 07-09-2018 (Only one day)


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